Followers Online Silent Auction July 5 -12
Sunday, July 5, after worship - Sunday, July 12, until noonGreetings to all families of Fairmount Avenue United Methodist Church with Grace and Peace in Christ! Thank you always for your prayers and support for Youth ministry.
As well known, The FAUMC Followers Youth Group, is an active, committed, inquisitive group. Encouraged and grown in faith by Pastor Jin Hur, Pastor Shawna Horn and other trusted teachers and adults from our congregation, the youth explore their faith, friendships, leadership, mission, community outreach, singing, and the simple joy of hanging out with folks who accept you as you are. The Followers are passionate about "All are Welcome Here" and are an active group that follows Jesus on a journey to discover and deepen their faith in the Fairmount Avenue United Methodist Church community, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Unfortunately, the Followers’ mission trip has been canceled this year due to the COVID pandemic. Nevertheless, our ministry, mission, and passion for the Kingdom of God are never stopped. Therefore, the Youth Ministry Team along with the Youth Council will provide a special fundraising event this summer: An online silent auction! It will be held in the first week of July.
Each year, the Followers raise funds to help support outreach activities including: community engagement, bringing songs of hope to the community, and one of the highlights of the year, venture out into our national community, in mission, demonstrating our faith in action. Your participation and support will be a great encouragement for the youth’s mission and ministry of 2020-2021.
You may remember in March, that Fairmount Avenue UMC switched to online worship the week of the scheduled annual Silent Auction and Pasta Dinner in response to Covid-19. Since many of the items donated are in the form of gift cards from local businesses, it is important to create an online auction experience to honor these generous donations.
The link of the event will be opened on Sunday, July 5, right after worship until Sunday, July 12, with the auction closing at noon.
You may pick up your online silent auction won items on: Sunday, July 12, 5pm - 7pm or Wednesday, July 15, 5pm-7 pm.
You can pay in online with PayPal or bring a check / cash on the pick up days. To help offset our online transaction fees, if you pay with creidt card via PayPal, we would kindly request if you could add a donation of an additional 5% to your total cost for the auction. You may also donate directly to the followers using the DONATE button on the auction page without any bids.
Delivery service is available by request ([email protected]) on Thursday, July 16.\
Thank you so much for your continued support and generosity!
Auction Event Coordinators: Mike and Janelle Kelly, and Aaron and Denise Buesing
Youth Council Fundraising Co-Chairs: Seth Buesing and Maria Bryan
Youth Council Adult Co-Chairs: Karin Trail-Johnson and Dave Kroonblawd
Youth Pastor, Jin Hur
Pastor, Shawna Horn
Questions about the Online Silent Auction can be directed to Mike Kelly ([email protected]) or Paster Jin ([email protected])
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As well known, The FAUMC Followers Youth Group, is an active, committed, inquisitive group. Encouraged and grown in faith by Pastor Jin Hur, Pastor Shawna Horn and other trusted teachers and adults from our congregation, the youth explore their faith, friendships, leadership, mission, community outreach, singing, and the simple joy of hanging out with folks who accept you as you are. The Followers are passionate about "All are Welcome Here" and are an active group that follows Jesus on a journey to discover and deepen their faith in the Fairmount Avenue United Methodist Church community, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Unfortunately, the Followers’ mission trip has been canceled this year due to the COVID pandemic. Nevertheless, our ministry, mission, and passion for the Kingdom of God are never stopped. Therefore, the Youth Ministry Team along with the Youth Council will provide a special fundraising event this summer: An online silent auction! It will be held in the first week of July.
Each year, the Followers raise funds to help support outreach activities including: community engagement, bringing songs of hope to the community, and one of the highlights of the year, venture out into our national community, in mission, demonstrating our faith in action. Your participation and support will be a great encouragement for the youth’s mission and ministry of 2020-2021.
You may remember in March, that Fairmount Avenue UMC switched to online worship the week of the scheduled annual Silent Auction and Pasta Dinner in response to Covid-19. Since many of the items donated are in the form of gift cards from local businesses, it is important to create an online auction experience to honor these generous donations.
The link of the event will be opened on Sunday, July 5, right after worship until Sunday, July 12, with the auction closing at noon.
You may pick up your online silent auction won items on: Sunday, July 12, 5pm - 7pm or Wednesday, July 15, 5pm-7 pm.
You can pay in online with PayPal or bring a check / cash on the pick up days. To help offset our online transaction fees, if you pay with creidt card via PayPal, we would kindly request if you could add a donation of an additional 5% to your total cost for the auction. You may also donate directly to the followers using the DONATE button on the auction page without any bids.
Delivery service is available by request ([email protected]) on Thursday, July 16.\
Thank you so much for your continued support and generosity!
Auction Event Coordinators: Mike and Janelle Kelly, and Aaron and Denise Buesing
Youth Council Fundraising Co-Chairs: Seth Buesing and Maria Bryan
Youth Council Adult Co-Chairs: Karin Trail-Johnson and Dave Kroonblawd
Youth Pastor, Jin Hur
Pastor, Shawna Horn
Questions about the Online Silent Auction can be directed to Mike Kelly ([email protected]) or Paster Jin ([email protected])
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